Company Person In Charge’s Contact DetailsName *Position *Email *Contact Number *Company DetailsCompany Name *Business Registration No. (BRN) *Tax Identification Number (TIN) *Company Address *State *Postal Code * DELEGATE’S PARTICULARSPlease Complete the Form and Click “REGISTER”.Delegate 1Assign a DelegateName *IC Number *Position *Contact Number *Email *Delegate 2Assign a DelegateName *IC Number *Position *Contact Number *Email *Delegate 3Assign a DelegateName *IC Number *Position *Contact Number *Email *Delegate 4Assign a DelegateName *IC Number *Position *Contact Number *Email *Delegate 5Assign a DelegateName *IC Number *Position *Contact Number *Email *Delegate 6Assign a DelegateName *IC Number *Position *Contact Number *Email *How did you hear about our MCIL Trend Forum? *Social Media (FB,IG)Email advertisementFamily & FriendsClientsOthers *For registration of more than 6 pax, please email to*Should you need further clarifications, kindly contact us at 03-7965 8539*Office Hour : Monday to Friday (9am to 6pm) Terms & Conditions 1. Closing date for registration is 11/10/2024.2. Please submit a completed registration form for us to issue a quotation for your HRD grant application. 3. A copy of the HRD approval to be submitted by 17/10/2024 to the MCIL PIC. 4. In the event, HRD does not approve the full amount of the Delegate fee, the Company is responsible to settle any balance amount due to the MCIL accordingly 5. Delegates must complete the HRDC prescribed training appraisal form which will be circulated after the training is concluded. The Company will be responsible to ensure its delegate(s) submits the completed appraisal form in a timely manner. Any payment withheld by HRD due to non-compliance of this requirement will be invoiced to the Company. 6. Cancellations are not allowed. However, substitutions are allowed with 24 hours prior notice to the MCIL PIC.The Company must make the necessary updated applications to HRD. 7. The company will be charged the full fee for a "No Show". 8.MCIL and its partners will make use of the photos/live videos from the event for the purpose of promotional marketing and PR.We have read and accept the Terms & Conditions outlined in this form Register